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Our loving son Paul was used by Jesus in the most intimate of ways.

I think of this verse whenever trying to write or talk about our Paul.

John 21:25

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

On November 13, 2007 Paul walked around the corner from his home to say goodbye to some friends before going on vacation.

This was to be a very special vacation

because he had chosen it.

He chose it over some things

(Entertainment Center, Big screen TV and a Play Station)

I had offered him these things to get him in the house

and give him and his little brother

Jonathan something to do together. 

But one day at church they spoke of the Maui trip.

After church Paul had told me he would rather do Maui.

I was so blessed and told him how that would bless me.

You see after my job changed my hours to 1pm to 9:30pm

it didn't give me any time with them.

When I went to work he was in school,

when I got home he was in bed.

I still remember hugging him and joking with him abou

being able to have him with my Wife and Jonathan

at that resort on the beach for a whole week.

We were all so excited. 

But on the night before we were to leave,

Paul was walking home across the street

coming back from his friends,


Jesus called him home.

Paul was 15.

Psalms 116:15

Precious in the sight of the LORD

is the death of His saints.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Everything is appropriate in its own time.

But though God has planted eternity

in the hearts of men,

even so, many cannot see

the whole scope of God's work

from beginning to end.


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