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Are 3rd trip, and we were blessed to get a refrigerator and bring more Bibles and clothes even got some gifts for the kids for CHRISTmas. Even able to get Sherman a new computer for Bible studies, cell phone for better communications, and were also Blessed to learn some of the funds that had been sent to Sherman during the year where accumulate to pay for an out house with a toilet, thank U JESUS, so lets continue to build JESUS' church not a building.

Was so Blessed to find out Sherman had been saving a little bit of each Donation he had received to have this toilet built for his family. Praise Jesus. 

Handing out Bibles, the one book you'll never have enough of.

Girls go threw some of the clothing that was detonated.

So Please join with us as we continue to build up Jamaica and reach out to so many kids as they have an early Christmas!

Praying for Jesus to use this Lap-top to assist Sherman in his Bible Studies. 

Giving JESUS' word to Jamaica 

On the beach our in the market all we want to do is GivemJesus!

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