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Our Goal;

Jamaica is one goal, which started after visiting with the Grant family at their home. Their home is without plumbed water, which results in no toilet, shower or even a sink for them to use. Also there’s no electricity, except for the extension cord running through the trees from a neighbor’s house. So you can see the opportunity to GivemJesus.

We feel this can be done by building up the church according to Jesus’ word, in which it would be built of people,not a building.

Of course, if that building was a house, which would be used by the Grant family as a home as well as a church, a place not only for the Grants to live but also for those needing everything from Jesus himself, to food, clothes and shelter, this home would stand as a testimony to those who would see the physical work of Jesus.

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ, Romans 10:17.

Then there’s the American dream,

I feel rather convicted of having the blessed opportunity of living that dream. I have Jesus,

a wonderful wife and children,

my health and my own home,

and everything I need and could want. 

So it grieves me to see so many hard working people having that same dream taken away from them, due to financial difficulties. This of course is due to low wages and the unreasonably high cost of their rent. I’ve met so many people that have shared with me that they will never have the affordability to save for a down payment to purchase their own home. Our goal is for the GivemJesus corp. to own houses, in which these exact same people that work so hard can live in one of these houses and the rent they give is put away in a saving account. When it has reached an amount that could be used for their down payment on their future home, this would move them forward and help these families escape paying rent to a house that will never be their own home.

Aside from helping people with the hopes of one day owning their own homes, these homes would also be used to feed people spiritually with Jesus’ word as well as physically along with clothing and shelter. 

That’s what I mean when I say,

”Let’s build the Church, NOT a building”!

Ephesians 5:30 & Colossians 1:24.

Our goal is to see that your tax deductible donations are used to help people, rather than a building. 

So along with my automatic transaction from my bank into the GivemJesus Corp. account,

we can accomplish Acts 4:35 which tells us,

that the money that was collected was distributed

to anyone as they have need. 

So let's not build another Crystal Cathedral!

So please Pray and ask JESUS what you could do?

GivemJesus also wants you to know,

Isaiah 58:7

Is it not to share your food with the hungry

and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter —

when you see the naked, to clothe him,

and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?

So if you or someone you know fits this need,

regardless of your religious belief,

Please call, This is GivemJesus, building the church,

not a building!

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